English Week in Todtnauberg near Freiburg

From 21st to 25th  March, classes 8b and 8c and their four teachers Mrs. Winter, Mrs. van der Linde, Mrs. Laumeyer and Mr. Haake went on a class trip to Todtnauberg near Freiburg.

If you have ever thought Ahaus was the end of the world, you haven’t been to Todtnauberg yet! We stayed in a hostel far up a mountain and the last kilometres from Todtnauberg to the youth hostel were a real adventure: Our heavy double-decker bus hardly made its way up!

During the week we took part in an English programme on environmental issues like habitats and climate change with four native speakers: David from Ireland, Patrick and Maryssa from the USA and Jeremy from England. This trip was meant to replace the London class trip, which unfortunately couldn’t take place because of Corona, but our four English-speaking teamers did a really fantastic job. We all had to speak English with them, which was a good exercise for us. On Thursday we had to master a challenge: In groups we were asked to make costumes out of trash which might help us survive in the city, the desert, the ocean, the jungle and the arctic. That was cool!

In our free time we played some games like Evolution, did some sports games like Capture the flag, hiked to an impressive waterfall and had a movie night, a quiz night and a disco night.

On the last day, on Friday, our whole group went to Freiburg, which was nearby, by bus. After the two hours break in this beautiful town, the bus driver drove us home in about 8 hours. The bus drive home was like a long, long party - we all sang our favourite songs and had a lot of fun together.

And this week, from 28th March to 1st April, the students of class 8a are on their class trip in Todtnauberg. We wish them to spend an unforgettable week together!   


Text: Clara and Lea, class 8b

Foto: K. Winter